Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Maybe this applies to you: you run every day. You're pouring sweat and your legs feel like jello. You might even be sore the next day or so. At first, you feel great! Maybe you even dropped a few pounds. But after awhile, you stop seeing results. The workout becomes boring and monotonous. Maybe you've even gained some weight (gasp)! All that hard work...for what?

This is discouraging to say the least. If this is similar to your case at all, it is probably because you have fallen into the cardio trap of death. Here's the trap: the idea tht (a) cardio itself will make you lose weight and (b) doing cardio every day is sufficient to lose/maintain weight and increase cardiovascualr health, regardless of the type of cardio you're doing.

Here's the thing: yes, cardio is necessary in the weight loss process and yes, doing your daily cardio will help incresase your health and fitness. BUT there is a reason you start to plateau.

Your muscles have a memory. When they do something they are unfamiliar with, they struggle and this works them hard. As your muscles familiarize themselves with the movement, it becomes easier and the muscles become stronger, more flexible, etc. So that exercise, whatever it is, still works that muscle, but becomes less effective.

So how do you prevent yourself from falling into this cardio trap of death? If you're thinking of running every day, you're missing the point. Correct answer: MIX IT UP!

***Quick disclaimer: I am not in any way saying that running every day is bad or incorrect or ineffective. In athletics where running is important (soccer, track, cross country, triathlons, and so on), by all means, train your heart out! Muscle memory is very good when you're training! This post is only meant to help dishevel your plateau.***

OK, I know not everyone out there has a PhD in Cardio Variety Methods. I don't either, because I made that degree up. But I do have several suggestions  for options besides running in place on a moving belt for half an hour.

1. Elliptical
The elliptical is a great tool for working your legs and getting your heart rate up. Most ellipticals have several settings for low impact cardio (usually noted as Fat Burn) and high impact (Cardio), among others (Personal Trainer, Aerobics, Hill, Interval, etc). For a great (new!) workout, select one of these programs, follow the diresctions the machine gives you, and work hard as you can.

2. Bikes
Whether it's a spin bike, a funny little exercise machine, a mountain bike, or a road bike, your sweat glands will party as your heart rate soars with a nice, hard bike workout. Biking is one of those things that may feel easy and effortless at first, but go for distance, up your resistance, and pedal as fast as you can (while maintaining control!) and you'll find youself working harder than you thought you would be.

3. Treadmill/Running
Maybe you're already a bike or eliptical junkie and are avoiding the treadmill. Running is great cardio, as well as the one you can do anytime and anywhere. An excellent way to get the most out of your run is with a speed interval workout. This helps your heart work at full throttle for a brief time as you run your hardest and fastest, and continue to pump blood through your body as you walk or jog for a longer period of time. It also trains your legs to use their muscles differently throughout the workout, offering the variety you need to keep your workout effective. Besides all this, speed intervals help improve your speed, endurance, and stride. Simply alternate your pace suring your run; Walk as fast as you can or jog for 60-90 seconds, then run all out for 30-60 seconds. You will be pooped by the end of your workout.

4. Exercise Classes
There are countless classes offered at local gyms and rec centers in virtually every community. These can include (but are certainly not limited to) aerobics, zumba, kickboxing, plyometrics, power pump, tae bo, and so on and so on. Sometimes you can even find these classes in your community for free! These classes are also often offered in the mornings or evenings when it is most convenient for those who work or go to school (or both). These classes are fun and offer a group setting where there are people of every level, so there is always a place for you to fit in. Check out your local gym or rec center for more information.

Cardio is a very effective tool in wieght loss, incresasing your energy, improving your health, preventing disease, and building endurance. Use it to its fullest!

***P.S. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN MY FACEBOOK PAGE, CHECK IT OUT! There you can get advice, stay up-to-date with my blog, interact with others with similar interests, and post questions, comments, goals, accomplishments, complements...whatever you want! Please help me get the word out by recommending this blog and my Facebook page to your friends. Go to DEFINED PERSONAL TRAINING and click "LIKE".***



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