Sunday, September 11, 2011
Call me biased based on my high school experience, but swimming is one of the greatest workouts a person can do! It's low impact, works your whole body, and can help keep you in shape as you heal from injuries. An added bonus: no sweat! Well...OK you do sweat but it washes off in the nice, refreshing water so you don't notice.

To get an effective workout when you swim, you need to have (guess) GOOD FORM. For a great little tutorial, check out this Jimmy D'Shea in this little video:
His freestyle tutorial goes till about 1:45. That's what the workout in this post will consist of, so don't be intimidated by the whole 6 minutes.

Form can be very difficult to get down when you're on your own, so it can help to have a buddy come with you to give you feedback. Just make sure they can give you good feedback first!

A little background information before I post the workout: Most pools are 25m in length, so 1 lap (there and back) is 50m. Olympic size pools are 50m in length, so 1 lap would be a full 100m. If you are unsure of the length of the pool, simply ask a lifeguard or staff member and they should be able to tell you.
So if an exercise looks like this: "10x50 free," it means that you will swim 10 sets of 50m freestyle.

So next time you get in the water, try this little workout:

Warm Up
5x50 free
4x50 kick (do this on your back in a streamlined position. Google image "streamline position" if you don't know what that looks like)

10x50 free: start slow and increase speed with each 50, 30 sec rest between sets
2x50 Kick, 15 sec rest
Ladder (rest 20 s between sets)
1x25 free
1x50 free
1x75 free
1x100 free
Rest 1 minute
1x100 free
1x75 free
1x50 free
1x25 free
***Repeat ladder 1-2 more times***

Cool Down
4x50 free (slow and easy)

Good luck!

I love writing swim workouts! Contact me if you want a more customized workout, or you can check out



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