Friday, January 27, 2012
There are several options for performing reps and sets besides you're basic "3 sets of 10" routine. One of my favorite ways to mix things up with the weights is drop sets. If you've never done these before, you're in for a treat. Drop sets essentially temporarily exhaust the muscle, allowing for great building capacity. If you're wanting to reach new heights with your training, introduce drop sets into your program.

Here's a breakdown of how it works:
You'll want a partner. Say you're doing the leg press. Start out with enough weight so you can only perform 10-12 reps. After doing these reps, have your partner reduce the weight and do as many reps as you can with the new weight. This is a double drop set. For a triple drop set, after doing as many reps as possible with the new weight, have your partner reduce the weight again. Then continue your reps til exhaustion.
A couple things to remember: You should be doing your reps at a steady pace: not too fast, not too slow, and with a constant rhythm. Always remember to use good form so you don't injure yourself. Make sure you can maintain good form with the weight you have. Check your pride at the door; it is OK TO START SMALL! Also, as a courtesy and safety precaution, ALWAYS re-rack your weights.
Workouts utilizing drop sets coming soon, for any of you who want ideas!
Good luck!